JENNIFER SARAS » Supply List 2023-24

Supply List 2023-24


-1 one-subject spiral notebook 

-folder (I have a ton of plain, but most kids prefer the ones with the cute puppies, footballs...)



-1 one subject spiral notebook 



Pencil Box/Pouch Supplies:

These items will be carried between the two classes. The school supplies should all be able to fit in your child's pencil box/pouch. 

-pencil box/pouch


-small pack of crayons

-dry erase markers and eraser (clean socks and/or pieces of felt work great)


-headphones labeled with your child's name (these do not need to fit in the pencil box/pouch)

-a cinch sack or small tote might be helpful for when switching classes 


Any donation of the following items would be greatly appreciated:


-ziploc bags (any size)

If your child does not have supplies, I will have plenty to share! 

Thank you!