Mrs. Karcher LAUREN KARCHER » 3rd Grade Math

3rd Grade Math


Outline of the Topics and Skills we will cover this year in 3rd grade math.

Topic 1: Understand Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers

1-1 Multiplication as Repeated Addition

1-2 Multiplication on the Number Line

1-3 Arrays and Multiplication

1-4 The Commutative Property

1-5 Division as Sharing

1-6 Division as Repeated Subtraction

(After Each Topic, we will have a Math Practices and Problem Solving Lesson)

Topic 2: Multiplication Facts: Use Patterns

2-1   2 and 5 as Factors

2-2   9 as a Factor

2-3   Apply Properties: Multiply by 0 and 1

2-4   Multiply by 10

2-5   Multiplication Facts: 0, 1, 2, 5, 9, and 10

Topic 3: Apply Properties: Multiplication Facts for 3, 4, 6, 7, 8

3-1 The Distributive Property

3-2 Apply Properties: 3 as a Factor

3-3 Apply Properties: 4 as a Factor

3-4 Apply Properties: 6 and 7 as Factors

3-5 Apply Properties: 8 as a Factor

3-6 Practice Multiplication Facts

3-7 The Associative Property: Multiply with 3 Factors

Topic 4: Use Multiplication to Divide: Division Facts

4-1 Relate Multiplication and Division

4-2 Use Multiplication to Divide with 2, 3, 4, and 5

4-3 Use Multiplication to Divide with 6 and 7

4-4 Use Multiplication to Divide with 8 and 9

4-5 Multiplication Patterns: Even and Odd

4-6 Division Involving 0 and 1

4-7 Practice Multiplication and Division Facts

4-8 Solve Multiplication and Division Equations 

Topic 5: Fluently Multiply and Divide Within 100

5-1 Patterns for Multiplication Facts

5-2 Use a Multiplication Table

5-3 Find Missing Numbers in a Multiplication Table

5-4 Use Strategies to Multiply

5-5 Solve Word Problems: Multiplication and Division Facts

5-6 Write Math Stories: Multiplication

5-7 Write Math Stories: Division 

Topic 6: Connect Area to Multiplication and Addition

6-1 Cover Regions

6-2 Area: Nonstandard Units

6-3 Area: Standard Units

6-4 Area of Squares and Rectangles

6-5 Apply Properties: Area and the Distributive Property

6-6 Apply Properties: Area of Irregular Shapes

Topic 7: Represent and Interpret Data

7-1 Read Picture Graphs and Bar Graphs

7-2 Make Picture Graphs

7-3 Make Bar Graphs

7-4 Solve Word Problems  Using information in Graphs

Topic 8: Use Strategies and Properties to Add and Subtract

8-1 Addition Properties

8-2 Algebra: Addition Patterns

8-3 Round Whole Numbers

8-4 Mental Math: Addition

8-5 Mental Math: Subtraction

8-6 Estimate Sums

8-7 Estimate Differences

8-8 Relate Addition and Subtraction

Topic 9:  Fluently Add and Subtract Within 1,000

9-1 Use Partial Sums to Add

9-2 Add 3-Digit Numbers

9-3 Continue to Add 3-Digit Numbers

9-4 Add 3 or More Numbers

9-5 Use Partial Differences to Subtract

9-6 Subtract 3-Digit Numbers

9-7 Continue to Subtract 3-Digit Numbers

Topic 10 Multiply by Multiples of 10

10-1 Us an Open Number Line to Multiply

10-2 Use Properties to Multiply

10-3 Multiply by Multiples of 10

Topic 11: Use Operations with Whole numbers to Solve Problems

11-1 Solve 2-Step Word Problems: Addition and Subtraction

11-2 Solve 2-Step Word Problems: Multiplication and Division

11-3 Solve 2-Step Word Problems: All Operations

Topic 12: Understand Fractions as Numbers

12-1 Divide Regions into Equal Parts

12-2 Fractions and Regions

12-3 Understand the Whole

12-4 Number Line: Fractions Less Than 1

12-5 Number Line: Fractions Greater Than 1

12-6 Line Plots and Length

12-7 more Line Plots and Length

Topic 13: Fraction Equivalence and Comparison

13-1 Equivalent Fractions: Use Models

13-2 Equivalent Fractions: Use the Number Line

13-3 Use Models to Compare Fractions: Same Denominator

13-4 Use Models to Compare Fractions: Same Numerator

13-5 Compare Fractions: Use Benchmarks

13-6 Compare Fractions: Use the Number Line

13-7 Whole Numbers and Fractions

Topic 14: Solve Time, Capacity, and Mass Problems

14-1 Time to the Minute

14-2 Units of Time: Measure Elapsed Time

14-3 Units of TIme: Solve Word Problems

14-4 Estimate Liquid Volume

14-5 Measure Liquid Volume

14-6 Estimate Mass

14-7 Measure Mass

14-8 Solve Word Problems Involving Mass and Liquid

Topic 15: Attributes of Two-Dimensional Shapes

15-1 Describe Quadrilaterals

15-2 Classify Shapes

15-3 Analyze and Compare Quadrilaterals

Topic 16: Solve Perimeter Problems

16-1 Understand Perimeter

16-2 Perimeter or Common Shapes

16-3 Perimeter and Unknown Side Lengths

16-4 Same Perimeter, Different Area

16-5 Same Area, Different Perimeter

STEP UP to Grade 4 Lessons